Research, Partners,
and Published Literature
ReSolution Rhodococcus Equi Antibody is a valuable aid in the prevention and control of R. equi pneumonia in foals – 2006
Published Rhodococcus equi VapA antibody titer at 1:10,000.
Caston, Stephanie S., Scott R. McClure, Ronald J. Martens, M. Keith Chaffin, Kristina G. Miles, Ronald W. Griffith, and Noah D. Cohen. “Effect of Hyperimmune Plasma on the Severity of Pneumonia Caused by Rhodococcus Equi in Experimentally Infected Foals.” Veterinary Therapeutics: Research in Applied Veterinary Medicine 7, no. 4 (2006): 361–75.
ReSolution Rhodococcus Equi Antibody showed to be statistically significantly higher (p<0.05) than competitor’s products when VapA-specific IgGa levels were measured (4x higher!)- 2014
Sanz, M. G., A. F. Oliveira, A. Page, and D. W. Horohov. “Administration of Commercial Rhodococcus Equi Specific Hyperimmune Plasma Results in Variable Amounts of IgG against Pathogenic Bacteria in Foals.” Veterinary Record, August 12, 2014. doi:10.1136/vr.102594.
ReSolution Rhodococcus Equi Antibody decreases severity and development of clinical pneumonia after challenge with Rhodococcus Equi – 2016
Sanz, M. G., A. Loynachan, and D. W. Horohov. “Rhodococcus equi hyperimmune plasma decreases pneumonia severity after a randomized experimental challenge of neonatal foals.” The Veterinary record 178.11 (2016): 261.
“Transfusion With 2 L of Hyperimmune Plasma is Superior to Transfusion of 1 L or Less for Protecting Foals Against Subclinical Pneumonia” – 2019
Kahn, S. K., Blodgett, G. P., Canaday, N. M., Bevevino, K. E., Rocha, J. N., Bordin, A. I., & Cohen, N. D. (2019). Transfusion With 2 L of Hyperimmune Plasma is Superior to Transfusion of 1 L or Less for Protecting Foals Against Subclinical Pneumonia Attributed to Rhodococcus equi. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 79, 54–58. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2019.05.015
‘Antidiarrheal’ plasma decreased the time to resolution of diarrhea – 2007
“Effect of hyperimmunised ‘antidiarrheal’ plasma therapy in the management of acute equine colitis”
Rachel P. Atherton, Martin O. Furr, Marion DuPont Scott Equine Medical Center,
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Presented at ACVIM, 2007
Prophylactic use of Clostridium difficile antitoxin in piglets lowered histopathology score – 2014
Ramirez A, Rowe E, Arruda P, Madson D. Use of equine origin antitoxin in piglets prior to exposure to mitigate the effects of Clostridium difficile infection – a pilot study. J Swine Health Prod. 2014; 22(1):29-32.
Safe and efficacious use of Antivenom cross species using the mouse model – 2014
Lyndi Gilliam, Oklahoma State University
“Median Lethal Dose (LD50) of four North American Rattlesnake Venoms and Effective Dose (ED50) of Antivenom Crotalidae Polyvalent, Equine Origin, for use as an Aid in the Control of Rattlesnake Bites in Equine and Canine”
To be published Spring 2015
Theiler’s Disease-Associated Virus (Serum Hepatitis) screening – 2014
Innovative serum-hepatitis-related virus screening protocols developed and implemented at Mg Biologics.
First plasma manufacturer to have a Hepatitis Virus-Free herd.
Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) – 2008
Caution: Administration of plasma and antibody products post-administration of milk replacer can lead to a dangerous situation that is described in human medicine as Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI).
*Additional details
TRALI is an acute lung injury that is typically associated in humans having received transfusions with plasma components such as platelets and fresh frozen plasma. TRALI is thought to be caused by naturally occuring antibodies in a donor that are reactive against a recipient’s neutrophils. In this situation, anti-bovine antibody, which may be present in our donors, reacts with bovine protein in the milk replacer, forming immune complexes that activate neutrophils. The activated neutrophils degranulate and an adverse reaction occurs.
While we understand the need for plasma in conjunction with commercial milk replacer may still arise, we encourage veterinarians to administer plasma prior to the use of milk replacer. This will slow the rate at which antibodies cross-react with bovine proteins as the proteins will be taken up into the blood stream gradually, reducing the extent of immunological shock to the body. This is NOT an attempt to discredit or endorse any brand of commercial milk replacer, as it is a necessary product. This is a matter of product compatibility and not product quality.
We encourage customers to report every adverse event experienced, whether the event involves commercial milk replacer or not. Informing our company regarding an adverse event allows us to continue to maintain high plasma quality and identify risk factor trends.